萨珊波斯的皇家旗帜,卡维之旗(Derafsh-e Kaviani) 根据菲尔多西《列王纪》的记载:阿拉伯王子扎哈卡,受恶魔安哥拉·曼纽诱惑,弑父称王。后又因波斯俾什达迪王朝的统治者贾姆希德众叛亲离,趁机攻占波斯。扎哈克又同意让安哥拉·曼纽亲吻自己双肩,却没想到这使扎哈卡双肩长出毒蛇。为了安抚毒蛇,每日需献上两颗大脑供毒蛇果腹。为此扎哈卡每日杀两名波斯人,持续数百年。 波斯铁匠卡维的诸多儿子均因此而死,当最后一个儿子也被要求献上,卡维忍无可忍,冲入扎哈克宫廷直斥其暴行。因诸神保护卡维,扎哈克不敢对其动手,放任他大摇大摆离开,离开之后卡维将铁匠的皮围裙以长矛挑起作为旗帜,率领百姓反抗扎哈卡的统治。他带领反抗军投入费雷顿的麾下(费雷顿是贾姆西德的孙子),费雷顿见此旗帜,认为是好运的象征。他给皮围裙装饰上鲁米的锦缎,金色的锦缎上又镶嵌满宝石,边缘挂上红、黄、紫的三色流苏。此后这悬挂在长矛上的皮围裙即被称为“卡维之旗”,为波斯王权象征,代代相传。 以下是英文列王纪的翻译,从卡维控诉Zahhak开始: I’m Kaveh, and a blacksmith, sire,” he said, And as he spoke his clenched fists struck his head. “It’s you whom I accuse, you are the one Whose fire’s destroyed all that I’ve ever done. A king then, or a monster? Which are you? Tell us, your majesty, which of the two? If you reign over seven kingdoms, why Must our fate be to suffer and to die? Acquit yourself then, let me weigh your worth, And let your words astonish all the earth; And when we’ve heard you out we’ll see The evils that the world has done to me, And why it is my son’s brains have to feed Your snakes’ insatiable and monstrous greed.”