作者: 疯批教主呀发布时间: 2023-07-15 17:56:39 浏览:2 次 发布地: 天气: 晴

        At lunch, I chatted with my father. In the second half of the year, I might take my child to another city to live. I told him that I needed you to be with us and someone to cook for me. I didn't want to be separated from you. I took my father, mother and two cats and children with me. This was something I didn't dare to think about two months ago. I said it very frankly today 中午吃饭的时候和我老爸商量,下半年有可能我要带着孩子去另外一个城市生活,告诉他让我需要他来给我们做饭一起生活。不想和他们分开。我妈,还有两只猫、孩子都一起过来。这放在两个月前,是我想都不敢想,说也不敢说的事情,现在就说的特别的坦然。 More and more like a big family to live together, and my father only worry about one thing, if this is the case, who will live with me later, later, with the reconciliation of the original family to live together is so beautiful。 越来越喜欢一大家人在一起生活,而我爸只操心,这样的话谁还能跟你一起过日子?以后的事以后再说,与和解后原生家庭一起生活,原来是如此的美好。 Life without limits is really infinitely beautiful 没有限制的生活,真的无限美好 #向往的生活 #一件充满幸福感的小事 #个人成长 #解忧杂货铺 #愿有岁月可回首,且以深情共白头 #教主说生活 #教主的世界美好而浪漫 #教主说 #日常叨逼叨 #原生家庭对我的影响 #生活中的小美好 #以自己喜欢的方式过一生 #增加生活幸福感的n种方式 #原生家庭 #教主说心理 #解忧奇妙铺

