#狐言乱语 (狐狸的 blah blah blah~)
狐狸 一直是一个很喜欢好看的光影的一个人类 eh I mean 狐狸 哈
昨天看到了美丽的夕阳 打在树枝上 摇摇曳曳 好像海浪打在沙滩上 美的是多么的璀璨呀
幸福 it's not out there. It's within you. When you feel it, everything is beautiful and happy and warm and fuzzy.
When you don't, even if you have everything, it may not matter as much to you.
嘻嘻 狐狸的幸福时刻的记录 前两天去好朋友家里玩 I was his groomsmen during their wedding 在悉尼最要好的朋友 hh
嘿嘿 他们俩给了我一张小卡片 写着感谢的话语 还有一张打印出来的拍立得 是我和他在婚礼当天的合影 两个帅气的男孩子 木哈哈哈哈 喜欢 desu 开心 desu
啊~ 去他们家玩 带上了喜欢的桌游 Clank! (也是我最近在做视频的游戏 没错他们家把这个游戏 digitalize 了) 大家玩得可开心了~
也带上了另一个桌游里面金属质地的硬币 真的很难的 桌游配金属硬币的 但是有了这样的硬币 大家玩起来也很有带入感 everyone is so greedy 哈哈 "My precious!"
是可以在脑袋里闪闪发光的回忆呢 可以好好的保存起来 时不时拿出来摸摸~ 擦擦灰尘~ 让它一直这么闪耀下去 hh
大概半年前 一年前的我 也不会想到 自己会有这样的改变 the way we (狐狸的内在是一群狐狸) handle things differently from before
Knowing the core of us, that romantic love towards the world, that hopefulness, that joyful, kind, loving and respectful person, would never change. Would never break. No matter how hurt we were in some moments. We have the courage to get through it. We have the means and support to help us to get through it.
Hurt we might be, yet we still see hope. Yet we still see hope.
Because that's what we are. Who we are. A man, I mean fox, with a romantic heart towards this world, filled with hope. Isn't it?
The Fox System is never lost. The Fox System is always there. To be found. Be seen. Be re-activated. Thank you for being there. Thank you for being part of me. I am grateful.
特别感谢自己 感谢自己的朋友 也很感谢自己的 support system 嘻嘻 and this path we have chosen.
This ability, finding hope and finding oneself, even in the darkest moments. 🤔 Huh. 😁
Mr Fox, I wish you another 3000 years of wonder and love and joy to experience.
Then. I. Shall.