作者: ℒᎭℯ💃姐ᩚ就要你ᩚ༉发布时间: 2024-10-07 20:21:20 浏览:22 次 发布地: 潮州市 天气: 晴

        像光一样 温暖治愈有力量 万物皆有裂痕,那是光照进来的地方 那些看似波澜不惊的日复一日会在将来的某一天 让你看到坚持的意义 Those seemingly calm day after day,One day in the future,Let you see the meaning of persistence 你不一定非要长成玫瑰 你乐意的话做茉莉 做雏菊,做无名小花 做千千万万 You don't necessarily have to grow into a rose,lf you're willing, make Jasmine Make daisies, make nameless flowers,Make millions 世间总有一些事 是我们永远无法解释 也无法说清的 我必须接受自己的渺小 和自己的无能为力 There are always some things in the world,We can never explain it.I can't explain it clearly either,l must accept my own insignificance,And their own powerlessness. ^--------------^ ( @ • w • @ ) | >❤< | |☆ ( nnn ) ( nnn )/ ===== =====希望你有足够的勇气 面对风、面对雪、面对锣鼓 铿锵的号角、面对朝阳希望你永远自由地活着 永远在看花的路上 I hope you have enough courage.Facing the wind, facing the snow, facing the drums and gongs.The resounding horn,facing the sunrise,l hope you live forever in freedom,Always on the path of admiring flowers 在最黑暗的那段人生 是我自己把自己拉出深渊 没有那个人 我就做那个人 In the darkest part of my life, I pulled myself out of the abyss.Without that person, I will be that person.#生命里的光 #生命中的光 #生命里的一束光 #落在生命里的光


