If I love you I will never be a clinging trumpet creeperUsing your high boughs to show off my height If I love you I will never be a spoony bird Repeating a monotonous song for green shade Or be a spring Bringing cool solace all year long Or be a steep peak Increasing your stature Reflecting your eminence Even the sunlight Even the spring rain No all these are not enough I must be a ceiba tree beside you Be the image of a tree standing together with you Our roots, entwined underground Our leaves, touching in the clouds With each gust of wind We greet each otherBut nobody Can understand our words You'll have your copper branches and iron trunk Like knives, like swords, like halberds, too I'll have my crimson flowers Like heavy sighs And valiant torches We'll share cold spells, storms and thunder We'll share mists, hazes and rainbows Seemingly always apart But also forever interdependent Only this can be great love The loyalty is hereLove I love not only your strapping stature But also your firm stand, the earth beneath you
- 谢不臣眉是长的,鼻是挺的,唇是薄的,有一线近乎冷峻的弧度. 握伞柄的
- 最近不知道怎么回事,特别嗜睡,聊着天睡着了,打着游戏睡着了,听着歌
- 命 是可以改写的,运 同样也是。但凡能悟透下面这段话,偏可逆风翻盘,只
- 98年小姐姐~( ̄▽ ̄~)~大学在读 身高173,天秤座,浪漫主义思想家 最喜欢
- 什麼叫「大丈夫」?就是在你最苦的時候,不讓那個苦拉著你跑。牙一咬,
- 哎呀,看来你的爱情故事有点像是一部循环播放的老电影,总是那些熟悉的
- 新冠一日游[你开心就好] 前两天低烧37.6最高38.2,伴随间歇性偏头痛。吃布洛
- 这是一条新的郑重其事的置顶 96年、180、 体重62 (努力在变壮), 工
- 结婚一定要跟自己非常非常喜欢的人结婚,喜欢一点点是不够的,这一点点
- @玩味☔️旋哥每天下班后第一件事情就是跟我语音或者视频