People will lose many important things because of their stubbornness, and they will also suffer many injustices because of their cowardice. Just like there are many medicines in the world, but there is no medicine for regret. There are many paths in life, but there is no way to turn back. If we miss the opportunity to grow up in impatience, and lose the chance of meeting someone in our constant worries about gains and losses, when we look back in the future, we will only feel deeply regretful.Like is when you see someone's strength, love is when you accept someone’s flaws.The "missed opportunities" in life are not just regrets, they may also be a kind of growth and insight.Whatever happens tomorrow, we've had today. And if we should bump into each other sometime in the future, well that's fine too. We'll be friends." 人会因为嘴硬失去很多重要的东西,也会因为懦弱受很多委屈,就像这世上有许多药,偏偏没有后悔药,人生有许多路,唯独没有回头路。在急躁中与成长失之交臂,在患得患失里错失缘分,往后想起,只剩满心怅惘。喜欢是让你看到一个人的优点,而爱是让你接受一个人的缺点。人生中的“错过”并非只是遗憾,它也可能是一种成长和领悟。不管明天发生什么,我们至少拥有今天。如果未来我们不期而遇,那也没关系。我们会是朋友。
意淨堂國際有限公司: 人呢?