作者: Berdymgg发布时间: 2018-02-25 17:21:52 浏览:16 次 发布地: 天气: 晴

        they long to be close to you ~by Carpenters Why do birds Suddenly appear 为什么每当你靠近时 Everytime you are near 鸟儿就突然出现了 Just like me 就好似我一样 They long to be 它们也渴望着 Close to you 靠近你 Why do stars Fall down from the sky? 为什么每当你走进时 Everytime you walk by 星辰就从夜空坠落了 Just like me 就好似我一样 They long to be 它们也渴望着 Close to you 靠近你 On the day that you were born 你降临到这世上的那天 The angels got together and decided To create a dream come true 天使们齐聚一堂 想创造一个能够成真的梦想 r> So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold 所以她们把月亮的光芒 洒于你金黄的发丝 And starlight in your eyes of blue 把星光洒于你湛蓝的双眸 That is why all the girls in town Follow you all around 这就是为什么女孩儿们都喜欢缠着你 Just like me 就像我一样 They long to be 她们也渴望着 Close to you 靠近你#有首歌唱给你听 #我们清唱吧 #灵魂歌手哼哼~ #情绪留声机 #被遗忘的老歌

别看我日记: 这么好听的嘛!
别看我日记: 好听好听,得向你多学习学习
作者: 不敢,好久没发了,凑合听😂😂

