作者: 吾名引忘川发布时间: 2024-09-24 12:36:08 浏览:7 次 发布地: 天气: 晴

        #成全你的既要又要 Result? What is result? 结果? 什么是结果? Is getting married a result?结婚就是结果吗? or is hand to hand for lifetime result白头偕老叫结果吗? marriage could also end divorce结了婚也会离婚 and there's always dying before another白头偕老也终有一个人先走 there's no telling what type of result you will have in your relationship 世俗从来没有界定过什么才叫结果 and sometimes when you do things right有些时候,即便你尽力了 there are still no result却依然没有一个结果 The greatest thing on efforts in our life is not concerning results. 这个世界最伟大的事情以及努力都和结果无关 but where your path leads you 而是它沿途带你见过什么样的风景 Ionce loved,I lostand finallyI turned around, and walked away.


