作者: Titian胡畅畅发布时间: 2024-02-28 09:17:03 浏览:2 次 发布地: 天气: 晴

        摄影有时宛如摸彩,深陷其中,无法自拔!多好的创作题材啊,又是一场完美错过!自己五味杂陈地咽下饭,感到遗憾,不甘,坐立不安,但又能怎么办,或许本来就与之无缘,与其长吁短叹,不如翻开新篇,勇往直前,全力以赴在下一场活动中抓住精彩瞬间! Doing photography is sometimes as similar as drawing lots, being in the thick of it, can't help! What a great creative theme! Another perfect miss! I swallow my meal with mixed flavors, how regretful, unwilling, and restless I am, but what can I do? Perhaps it had been predestined in the first place. Instead of sighing and sighing, short and long, it's better to open a new chapter, go for it, and spare no effort to capture wonderful moments in the next activity! #生活百态##人间百态##用照片记录生活##人文摄影##纪实摄影##摄影##街拍##记录生活##正能量##原创##写作##翻译##双语##英语##故事##南京##老门东#


