作者: 旺大宝发布时间: 2024-07-23 14:49:23 浏览:1 次 发布地: 北京市 天气: 晴

        Harmony makes small things grow, lack of it makes great things decay. 和则小事兴,失则大事衰。 Sallust is a Roman historian and politician from an Italian plebeian family. He is the earliest known Latin-language Roman historian with surviving works to his name, of which Conspiracy of Catiline, The Jugurthine War, and the Histories remain extant. As a writer, Sallust was primarily influenced by the works of the 5th-century BC Greek historian Thucydides. 萨勒斯特是一位来自意大利平民家庭的罗马历史学家和政治家。他是已知最早使用拉丁语写作、且有作品现存于世的罗马历史学家,他的作品中《喀提林阴谋》、《朱古达战争》和《历史》仍然存在。作为一名作家,萨勒斯特主要受到公元前5世纪希腊历史学家修昔底德作品的影响。

