作者: 猫猫后少女发布时间: 2022-07-17 12:36:45 浏览:6 次 发布地: 长沙市 天气: 晴

        睡眠啊!多么优雅 全世界都钟爱它 Oh sleep! It is a gentle thing Beloved from pole to pole ——《The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner》 by Samuel Taylor Coleridge 是谁把这些星星撒过天空 像闪光的尘埃 像发光的云 他们将乳白色的光芒 倒入深黑色的碗中 Who spilled those stars across the sky like sparkling dust like clouds of light? They pour their milky shine into the deep black bowl ——《The Milky Way》by Barbara Juster Esbensen 我是我所行走的世界 我所见所闻所感都来自我自己 I was the world in which I walked and what I saw or heard or felt came not but from myself ——《Tea at the Palaz of Hoon》by Wallace Stevens 现在我用沉静的目光见到 恰是那台机器脉冲的颤跳 And now I see with eye serene The very pulse of the machine ——《She Was a Phantom of Delight》by William Wordsworth 大理石永久幻化成一个灵魂 孤独地航行在陌生的 思想海洋中 “I could behold the antechapel where the statue stood Of Newton, with his prism and silent face" The marble index of a mind forever Voyaging through strange seas of thought, alone ——《The Prelude, or Growth of a Poet's Mind》William Wordsworth 听起来...听起来像 ——机器 是的 是的 机器 我是机器 如果你是机器 你的功能是什么? 了解你。#爱死机3

