How does thinking about our future change where we are going? Part 4
来自《悉尼商务见解》,作者Angela Knox为悉尼大学商学院人力资源管理和劳资关系副教授。Susan Ainsworth为墨尔本大学组织学系教授。
Somewhat paradoxically, our findings highlight the fragmented and incomplete nature of ideas about both technology and the future of work. We found that ideas were typically constructed around the present and they depicted problems and solutions centred on employment relations.有些矛盾的是,我们的研究结果暴露了关于科技和未来工作的想法的碎片化和不完整。我们发现,这些想法通常围绕当下予以构建,着重描述以雇佣关系为中心的问题和解决方案。
Rather than the Inquiry being about the future of work and technology, it ultimately tells us more about current ideas regarding the present state of employment relations and reveals a lack of vision regarding the future. Typically, stakeholders focused on problems being experienced in the present. Unions emphasised the failure of existing regulation to protect workers and the need to increase employment regulation, for example, whereas employers and employer associations frequently emphasised the need to decrease employment regulation in order to increase flexibility.
What is missing is a coherent, concrete vision of the future – Australian workers will benefit from more secure, better quality jobs that spur innovation and productivity, for example – from which we can create analytical bridges and the pathways that enable us to navigate into this future.
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