作者: 仿生巴耶塞特会梦见电子帖木儿吗发布时间: 2024-04-03 09:39:04 浏览:7 次 发布地: 天气: 晴

        帮学弟完成作业配了一下音,但气息没处理好: 苗族 Miao ethnic group 是一个古老且有着辉煌文化的民族 is a nationality that enjoys an antique and splendid culture. 苗绣 Miao embroidery 则是苗族人世代相传的一种传统刺绣艺术 is a traditional art handed by generations of Miao people. 以布为纸 以线当墨 While embroidering, people take fabrics as papers, threads ink, 以针做笔 and needles paintbrushes. 针飞线走 When needles are dancing on the fabrics, so are the threads. 诉说着苗家人古老而绵长的故事 The works tell us about the time-honored stories of Miao people 同时 也在刺绣中一展苗族风采 and their outlooks on world as well. 苗绣采用苗族信仰的图腾 On Miao’s works, you can see their totems, 用图腾来表达民族迁徙 生命崇拜 which symbolize people’s migration history, worship of life, 宗教信仰和神话传说等寓意 religions, faith, and mythology. 老人手中的苗绣 The embroidery works in these old people’s hands, 是一封封尘封已久的家书 are home letters kept for so long. 一针一线 Each stitch and each thread 记录着苗族鲜活的传统。 records Miao’s culture so vividly. #英音 #口语练习

