    针对小初的英语写作训练,淘宝真的很神奇#英语写作 #英语教育 >>阅读更多

    Love yourself enough not to force people to invite, include, or consider you. What is meant for you will be yours without coercion; conversations, interactions, friendships, relationships, attention, love. Let things flow. Don't you go chasing, begging, or forcing it. #SoulReal文学 #SoulRealWriting #文学 #发疯文学 #关于写作 #英语写作 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多

    Leaming how to be alone has been one of the most exhilarating experiences in my life. It allowed me to slow down, to stop considering others before myself, to consider myself, to get to know myself intimately, to date myself, to cry with myself, to rely on myself for support. #SoulReal文学 #SoulRealWriting #文学 #发疯文学 #关于写作 #英语写作 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多

    Stay open to the possibility that life may have other surprises in store for you. That all you have experienced so far, may not be all there is. That you may be approaching one of the most beautiful, meaningful, and transformative periods of your life. That the best may be yet to come. #SoulReal文学 #SoulRealWriting #文学 #发疯文学 #关于写作 #英语写作 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多

    It's scary how some people will be hurt and offended when they are called out for hurting and offending you. They will say and do the most insulting things, then act like you "took it out of context" when you make them aware of what they did to hurt you. They will try to make you feel guilty for their actions. They will try to generate people's sympathy. They will attempt to blame you, and others, and play the victim. Don't fall for it; it's all a ploy to avoid taking responsibility. #SoulReal文学 #SoulRealWriting #文学 #发疯文学 #关于写作 #英语写作 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多

    Love yourself enough to let disrespect be a decider. Don't you wait for another red flag. In conversations, interactions, friendships, relationships, love; don't fret to make respect both necessary and non-negotiable. There's nothing wrong with standing firm on how you want to be treated. There's nothing wrong with being clear about what you will and won't accept. You can absolutely take it personal if you find yourself subjected to abuse and bad behaviour. You don't have to tolerate that. #SoulReal文学 #SoulRealWriting #文学 #发疯文学 #关于写作 #英语写作 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多

    Where's the evidence you can't? Let's get to the bottom of this. Because your track record says you can and you did. You did start again. You did push through. You did survive the hard. You did keep going. You did speak up. You did learn. You did change. You did figure it out. So, stop backpedaling. You have defied self-doubt and fear so many times now, so no more of this "I can't" energy. You've clearly proven yourself. Your evidence is loud. You have multiple strengths and accomplishments to show for it. Stop letting fear and self doubt tell you about yourself. You know who you are. Start acting like it. #SoulReal文学 #SoulRealWriting #文学 #发疯文学 #关于写作 #英语写作 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多

    We're friends, but that doesn't mean we have to agree all the time. I can still have a completely different outlook, opinion, and approach than you. We don't have to be on the same page with everything. We don't have to agree with every decision each other makes. We don't have to walk through life in complete unison. We can still be our own people, with our own styles, thoughts, beliefs, and practices, and exercise that without there having to be a fall out. While we do have some shared values and mutual interests, "twinning", was never the criteria for our friendship. #SoulReal文学 #SoulRealWriting #文学 #发疯文学 #关于写作 #英语写作 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多

    I choose to believe that I'm being taught a valuable lesson. I choose to believe that I'm going to come out of this renewed. I choose to believe that even though this experience is incredibly painful, uncertain, and destabilising, there is something so much bigger than me to be learned here. I choose to allow the space for grace, gratitude, humility, grit, acceptance, and resilience to be filled. #SoulReal文学 #SoulRealWriting #文学 #发疯文学 #关于写作 #英语写作 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多

    For people dealing with you, they have to be extremely patient. It's not as simple as you just trusting that they are going to do what they say they are going to do. Your experiences have taught you to be weary. So you will continually second guess, question, doubt, and be fearful, until they consistently show they can come through for you. #SoulReal文学 #SoulRealWriting #文学 #发疯文学 #关于写作 #英语写作 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多

     莎士比亞十四行詩④ 下雨的周末 獨處宅居 抄抄寫寫 #学习 #书法 #SSR计划 #英语#SoulReal书法 #我的书法分享 #练字 #寻找搭子 #每日摘抄 #练字打卡 #每天练字 #好好写字好好学习 #英语写作 >>阅读更多

    The moment he told me to hide in the closet,knew it,Someone more qualified to love him than I am is back.When I found out there was another person in the closet,I knew I was not the only one who loved her.The moment I was pulled out of the closet,I knew that loving someone can't be hidden.When my eyes met his,I knew that loving someone can't run away.When the man asked me why I was in the closet,I knew that loving someone can't be explained.When his fist was thrown,I knew that loving someone would hurt sooner or later.Met him the most disguised at his strongest age.Meet someone who wants to take care of them for a lifetime at the age of marriage.How helpless it is to not be together in the end.Maybe it's God's will.Everything is the best arrangement.At this time, the old friend at dusk asked with emotion.In this era of fast-food love,the girl who once said she wanted to marry you.Are you still with you?If life is just like the first time,what's the matter?Love is where the heart is,right or wrong. #SoulReal文学 #SoulRealWriting #文学 #发疯文学 #关于写作 #英语写作 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多

    Your survival depended on you being quiet and putting up with it. That's why you accepted all of that. But you've been growing, finding your voice, discovering your power, and figuring things out. You know so much better now. You don't have to be out here suffering anymore. #SoulReal文学 #SoulRealWriting #文学 #发疯文学 #关于写作 #英语写作 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多

    You've convinced yourself that this world isn't safe. You've built up strategies to protect yourself from harms way. You keep people at arms length. You put up walls, act distant, and are quick to end things. It's not that you "don't care". You are scared. So you do what you can to guard your heart. #SoulReal文学 #SoulRealWriting #文学 #发疯文学 #关于写作 #英语写作 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多

    When you find yourself "feeling bad" for establishing and maintaining boundaries, ask yourself: Am I doing something bad, or am I just not used to holding people accountable? Sometimes, doing what is right and necessary triggers feelings of discomfort and guilt because we just aren't used to speaking up, standing firm, and dealing with people's defensive responses to our boundaries. #SoulReal文学 #SoulRealWriting #文学 #发疯文学 #关于写作 #英语写作 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多

    Maybe you're not always right. Maybe people are so tired of dealing with your aggressive, dismissive, and defensive responses, that they don't even attempt to communicate their points, raise their issues, or hold you to account anymore. #SoulReal文学 #SoulRealWriting #文学 #发疯文学 #关于写作 #英语写作 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多

    We're family, but that doesn't mean you are in my inner circle. Authentic love, deep connection, shared values, and enjoyable time together cannot be forced. It's okay to be cordial without being close. There doesn't have to be any ill feelings, malice, or drama whatsoever. We can still respectfully interact and be associated with one another without exhausting ourselves trying to pretend our relationship is what it isn't. #SoulReal文学 #SoulRealWriting #文学 #发疯文学 #关于写作 #英语写作 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多

    If it takes a while for you to establish trust again, don't be hard on yourself. It's terrifying to put yourself out there especially when your wounds still feel fresh. In time, you will heal from what has happened, but until then, tread softly. You know what you've been through. #SoulReal文学 #SoulRealWriting #文学 #发疯文学 #关于写作 #英语写作 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多

    This year l've really learnt how to apologise and humble myself without becoming defensive. You can't be saying "sorry" but then have a bad attitude when you're being held accountable for your wrongdoing. If you mean it, you're going to have to act like it. Otherwise the whole exercise is just pointless. #SoulReal文学 #SoulRealWriting #文学 #发疯文学 #关于写作 #英语写作 #SSR计划 >>阅读更多