感恩父母养育之恩 感谢每个阶段不同的自己和陪伴着的人 感谢经历 感谢相遇 感恩所有遇见的包容与宠爱 感谢离开的人使我成长 愿我越来越优秀 接下来的生活越来越棒!🌈

喜欢可以是心动,而爱一定会心痛, 喜欢可以是舍得,而爱一定舍不得, 喜欢可以是放肆,而爱一定是克制, 喜欢是欣赏有点,而爱是甘拜下风, 喜欢是为了得到,而爱是为了付出, 喜欢是瞬间沦陷,而爱是一生执念。


Thanksgiving is about giving thanks, which we highlight once a year, but should be practiced every day. no matter where you were , we gather on this day to be thankful for what we have, for the family we love, the friends we cherish, and for the blessings that will come. It is a celebration of what we were and what we have become. It is a time to remember how far we have come and how much we have changed. It is a toast to the future we have yet to see. 心存感恩,远离抱怨。加油!