    朋友们好!本周鼓楼英语角系列活动照常进行,分别放在周三,周四,周五,周六晚间举办,详情见海报和截图,所有活动六点半左右就可以开始,欢迎大家参加! Hello. Friends! The serial activities of Gulou English Corner will be held this week as usual on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights respectively. Refer to the posters and screenshot for more details. All of them can begin around 6:30 p.m. You are welcome to join! #南京##鼓楼英语角##仙林##朝天宫##江宁##大行宫##英语角##生活##兴趣##爱好##国际交流##老外##外语##双语学习##英语学习##双语##英语##口语##原创##写作##翻译##海报# >>阅读更多

    南京鼓楼英语角活动最近推出了即兴演讲环节,我分享了自己学习英语的经验!欢迎大家积极参与,交流,分享…… ​Nanjing Gulou English Corner activity recently launched a link of impromptu speech, in which I shared my experience of learning English! You are welcome to actively participate, communicate, and share... #南京##鼓楼英语角##大行宫##英语角##即兴演讲##生活##兴趣##爱好##国际交流##老外##外语##双语学习##英语学习##英语词汇##双语##英语##口语##原创##写作# >>阅读更多

    This is the latest issue of NANNERS. There are some information about the upcoming events held in Nanjing. You are welcome to join. Thank you for your attention and support! O(∩_∩)O #南京##英语学习##英语##双语##知识##杂志##阅读##国际交流##国际##交流##交友##聚会# >>阅读更多

    Many a Little Make a Mickle​ ​集腋成裘 #生活##兴趣##爱好##双语学习##英语学习##英语词典##英语词汇##双语##英语##口语##外语##原创##写作##翻译##南京# >>阅读更多

    5月8日是世界微笑日,祝你笑口常开~^_^ ​May 8th is the World Smile Day, may you keep smiling~ ^O^ #5月8日世界微笑日##世界微笑日##微笑##故事##生活百态##人间百态##用照片记录生活##人文摄影##纪实摄影##摄影##街拍##记录生活##正能量##原创##双语##英语##南京##苏州# >>阅读更多

    母爱如海 The ​Love of Mother is as Vast as the Sea #母亲节##母亲节快乐##感恩母亲节##妈妈##妈妈我爱你##妈妈您辛苦了##妈妈您惊艳了时光##妈妈,你慢点老##生活百态##人间百态##用照片记录生活##人文摄影##纪实摄影##街头摄影##摄影##乐在街拍##街拍##抓拍##最南京,全民拍##记录生活##正能量##原创##双语##英语##南京# >>阅读更多

    2024年5月11日晚南京鼓楼英语角大行宫活动视频,欢迎大家参加~ The video of the Nanjing Gulou English Corner activity held in Daxinggong on the evening of May 11, 2024. You are welcome to join~ #南京##鼓楼英语角##大行宫##英语角##周六快乐##生活##兴趣##爱好##国际交流##老外##外语##双语学习##英语学习##双语##英语##口语##原创##写作##翻译# >>阅读更多

    This is the latest issue of NANNERS. There are some information about the upcoming events held in Nanjing. You are welcome to join. Thank you for your attention and support! O(∩_∩)O #南京##英语学习##英语##双语##知识##杂志##阅读##国际交流##国际##交流##交友##聚会# >>阅读更多

    朋友们好!本周鼓楼英语角系列活动照常进行,分别放在周三,周四,周五,周六晚间举办,详情见海报和截图,所有活动六点半左右就可以开始,欢迎大家参加! Hello. Friends! The serial activities of Gulou English Corner will be held this week as usual on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights respectively. Refer to the posters and screenshot for more details. All of them can begin around 6:30 p.m. You are welcome to join! #南京##鼓楼英语角##仙林##朝天宫##江宁##大行宫##英语角##生活##兴趣##爱好##国际交流##老外##外语##双语学习##英语学习##双语##英语##口语##原创##写作##翻译##海报# >>阅读更多

    Friends, I will be there for you~ ​老朋友,我会为你而来~ #南京##2024南京大学生赛艇公开赛##赛艇##音乐现场##音乐##大学生乐队##乐队##老友记##friends##老友记主题歌##I will be there for you##英文歌曲##英语学习##双语##英语# >>阅读更多

    Friends, I will be there for you~ ​老朋友,我会为你而来~ #南京##2024南京大学生赛艇公开赛##赛艇##音乐现场##音乐##大学生乐队##乐队##老友记##friends##老友记主题歌##I will be there for you##英文歌曲##英语学习##双语##英语# >>阅读更多

    有没有小懒虫,今天早上睡过头了的呀嘻嘻~ #soulReal音乐 #阿卡贝拉#两只老虎#双语 #儿歌 >>阅读更多

    朋友们好!本周鼓楼英语角系列活动照常进行,分别放在周三,周四,周五,周六晚间举办,详情见海报和截图,所有活动六点半左右就可以开始,欢迎大家参加! Hello. Friends! The serial activities of Gulou English Corner will be held this week as usual on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights respectively. Refer to the posters and screenshot for more details. All of them can begin around 6:30 p.m. You are welcome to join! #南京##鼓楼英语角##仙林##朝天宫##江宁##大行宫##英语角##生活##兴趣##爱好##国际交流##老外##外语##双语学习##英语学习##双语##英语##口语##原创##写作##翻译##海报# >>阅读更多

    朋友们好!本周鼓楼英语角系列活动照常进行,分别放在周三,周四,周五,周六晚间举办,详情见海报和截图,所有活动六点半左右就可以开始,欢迎大家参加! Hello. Friends! The serial activities of Gulou English Corner will be held this week as usual on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights respectively. Refer to the posters and screenshot for more details. All of them can begin around 6:30 p.m. You are welcome to join! #南京##鼓楼英语角##仙林##朝天宫##江宁##大行宫##英语角##生活##兴趣##爱好##国际交流##老外##外语##双语学习##英语学习##双语##英语##口语##原创##写作##翻译##海报# >>阅读更多

    五月十五日是国际家庭日,我发些库存照片~ May 15 is the ​International Day of Families, I post some inventory photos~ #国际家庭日##515国际家庭日##今天国际家庭日##生活百态##人间百态##用照片记录生活##人文摄影##纪实摄影##街头摄影##摄影##乐在街拍##街拍##抓拍##最南京,全民拍##记录生活##正能量##原创##双语##英语##南京# >>阅读更多

    奔跑吧,青年,即便在雨中! Run, Youth, Even in the Rain! #五四青年节# #绽放青春# #奔跑吧青春# #青春# #年轻真好# #年轻的心# #摄影# #中国人文纪实摄影# #人文摄影# #纪实摄影# #摄影# #街拍# #抓拍# #最南京,全民拍# #精彩# #正能量# #原创# #双语# #英语# #雨# #南京# #新街口# >>阅读更多

    摄影兼口译的自己有幸踏上了一次难忘的与几位国际友人共事的上海之旅,在那里,我跟活泼可爱的孩子们玩耍,平易近人的家长们交流,和蔼可亲的老师们相处,盛情邀请的网络学生见面……这一路同行,感恩有你们!特别感谢纳迪老师! As a photographer and interpreter, I was fortunate enough to embark on an unforgettable trip to Shanghai working with several international friends. There, I played with lively and lovely children, communicated with approachable parents, interacted with amiable teachers and met with hospitable online student... Moving forward together along the way, I’m grateful to have you all! Special thanks to Teacher Nady! #夏天##六月##美食##上海##摄影##口译##翻译##国际交流##老外##孩子##合影##原创##写作##外语##双语##英语##口语# >>阅读更多

    我今晚要和学生用英语浅谈中国历史文化! I will talk a bit about Chinese historical culture with my student in English tonight! #生活##兴趣##爱好##双语学习##英语学习##英语词典##英语词汇##双语##英语##口语##外语##原创##写作##翻译##南京# >>阅读更多

    最新一期南京本土英语杂志NANNARS来啦~ This is the latest issue of NANNERS. There are some information about the upcoming events held in Nanjing. You are welcome to join. Thank you for your attention and support! O(∩_∩)O #南京##英语学习##英语##双语##知识##杂志##阅读##国际交流##国际##交流##交友##聚会# >>阅读更多

    朋友们好!本周鼓楼英语角系列活动照常进行,分别放在周三,周四,周五,周六晚间举办,详情见海报和截图,所有活动六点半左右就可以开始,欢迎大家参加! Hello. Friends! The serial activities of Gulou English Corner will be held this week as usual on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights respectively. Refer to the posters and screenshot for more details. All of them can begin around 6:30 p.m. You are welcome to join! #南京##鼓楼英语角##仙林##朝天宫##江宁##大行宫##英语角##生活##兴趣##爱好##国际交流##老外##外语##双语学习##英语学习##双语##英语##口语##原创##写作##翻译##海报# >>阅读更多