Sate your frustration, Quench your sick desire, Sweeten your pain with fairy dust, As desperation melts down this toxic powder, On that spoon you set your life on fire, Sense of shame to forget, Far astray you'll wander, Isolated in regret, Narcotize your existence, It's self-destruction, It's suicide, These wicked voices bewitch you, But you're too young to die, Speak to your torment honey, And listen to your soul, As we're the temple of strength, And we must soldier on, Push, push, push, push, I want to see you push, The hunter has become the prey, The master's turned into a slave, Push, push, push, push, We all want to see you push, Your mother's cry, your father's prayers, They just mean nothing, Push. 翻唱曲目《Sugar》 乐队:FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE 风格:交响死亡金属
Sate your frustration, Quench your sick desire, Sweeten your pain with fairy dust, As desperation melts down this toxic powder, On that spoon you set your life on fire, Sense of shame to forget, Far astray you'll wander, Isolated in regret, Narcotize your existence, It's self-destruction, It's suicide, These wicked voices bewitch you, But you're too young to die, Speak to your torment honey, And listen to your soul, As we're the temple of strength, And we must soldier on, Push, push, push, push, I want to see you push, The hunter has become the prey, The master's turned into a slave, Push, push, push, push, We all want to see you push, Your mother's cry, your father's prayers, They just mean nothing, Push. 翻唱曲目《Sugar》 乐队:FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE 风格:交响死亡金属
死亡金属是精英音乐,是不折不扣的强势音乐。只有少数人懂得聆听或者演奏。黑金属同理。 以下是理论的简述。 “死亡金属乐的高振幅、快节奏和其他不和谐的特征可能会引发神经化学物质如肾上腺素的释放,”来自澳大利亚悉尼麦考瑞大学(Macquarie University)的教授汤普森这样写道,“这可能为乐迷感受到正能量、力量以及非乐迷觉得紧张、恐惧、愤怒提供了基础。” 死亡金属乐标志性的恐怖歌词,一个可能存在的功能也许是“锐化乐迷和其他人之间的界限”。 佩维利斯将暴力影像比作“70年代的粗制滥造的恐怖电影”,他说,当你同时觉得既是旁观者又是当局者的时候,就领略到了体验死亡金属乐的精髓。 “这种音乐是如此极端,并且处在主流的边缘,聆听和演奏它的人都属精英俱乐部。 这就像我们有一个小秘密,这个秘密把所有都紧密结合在一起,这是荣誉的徽章。”
美声和黑嗓都是我翻唱的。 翻唱曲目《Dead cold inside》来自芬兰旋律死亡金属乐队Whispered 愤怒 燃烧的怒火, 被厌恶, 永无休止, 战斗, 战事不断, 疲倦席卷着勇士的内心, 风虽静 却有阵阵低吟 从远方传来, 此刻 饱经风霜的战将也不禁哽咽, 想起了家 那个他为守护而参战的家, 战中无胜者 除了这严冬 一向如此, 心系故友 支撑着我不断挥舞手中的剑, 一直以来 我都在为曾拥有的一切奋战, 纵使 我的内心充满悲伤 纵使 我见证了无数死亡, 但我永远不会停歇, 冲杀在血雨腥风里 伤口依然淌血, 看不见前路,战斗永无止境, 虽仍活于世,但我的内心已经一片死寂。
皑皑白雪上的灰色身影, 正在逼近, 听那嚎叫的兽群, 在寒冬的林中, 迅速移动, 很快就该到筵席的时间了, 邪恶的捕杀, 在夜色掩护下悄然进行着, 猎物呼吸渐弱, 它们感觉到如炬的目光, 如尖刺般, 刺入脖颈, 猎食者的心, 从没有同情, 它以猎杀为生, 猎食者的心, 从没有同情, 它以猎杀为生, 万物之灵。 翻唱《Live for the kill》,来自瑞典旋律死亡金属巨头Amon Amarth
求你了爹 给我也分个女朋友吧 我真想谈恋爱[感动]
The first man I killed was the earl's right-hand man, When he came to take her away, I ran his own sword straight through his throat, And then I stood there, watching him fade, The first blood I spilled was the blood of a bard, I had to wipe his smile away, I was not yet a man, nor was I a boy, But still, I made that bastard pay, So I left him there, on the stained floor, Bathing in a pool of his own blood, My one and only choice was to flee this land, To leave this wretched place for good, I am an outcast, All alone, I'm a nomad without home, I am an outlaw, I'm disowned, And I am no man's son. 翻唱曲目《First Kill》,来自Amon Amarth
翻唱歌曲《I cum blood》,来自凶名赫赫的美国残酷金属乐队Cannibal Corpse
五音未合,不堪听, 此路得我还 庆有时,凌空相望, 千里儿心乱 隔梦依稀如膝下,一去别问,罗生拂晓 定知半世差零落,天涯迟归,慈母心寥 翻唱《母难》来自国内旋律死亡金属乐队-紫冥
维京战歌 翻唱《Persuit of vikings》来自瑞典旋律死亡金属乐队-厄运之山。 主唱很帅,纯硬汉,我喜欢。
翻唱《Take me away》来自芬兰旋律死亡金属乐队Kakmah
翻唱《Demonnon Vrosis》来自希腊死亡金属乐队Rotting Christ 前奏超燃,我喜欢唱开头的恶魔吟唱
我就是我,要么接受,要么离开。 内心的叛军, 没有上帝,没有主, 我的时代已经来了 翻唱《No gods,No masters》来自大敌
翻唱《Everytime I die》,来自旋律死亡金属巨头博多之子
天津 碎!
一入金属深似海,从此杰伦是路人[笑哭][笑哭] 有时候,所谓的“入门”。是变相形容一个人的造诣。查克.舒尔迪纳是天才型乐手,最近又想第n次体验一把音乐是如何变成利刃了。
放假之前 天昏地暗
首杀,来自旋律死亡金属乐队厄运之山, 翻唱的不太像,和原唱比维京味少了点,凑合听。