    很伤感的情诗,有懂得嘛#有声情书 The crab is shelling me Notebooks are writing in me The sky is full of me Im falling on leaves and snowflakes And you are thinking of me >>阅读更多

    浮世三千,吾爱有三。 日月与卿,日为朝,月为暮,卿为朝朝暮暮#有声情书 >>阅读更多

    I wanted you to know, 我想让你知道, That I am ready to go, heartbeat, 我已经准备好离开了,我的心狂跳不止, My heartbeat, 我的心跳, I wanted you to know, 我想让你知道, Whenever you are around, can't speak, 只要你在我的身边,我就变得难以开口, I can't speak, 缄默不语, I wanted you to know, 我想让你知道, That I am ready to go, heartbeat, 我已经准备好离开了,我的心狂跳不止, My heartbeat, 我的心跳, I wanted you to know,#有声情书 我想让你知道, Whenever you are around, can't speak, 只要你在我的身边,我就变得难以开口, I can't speak, 缄默不语。 用嘴巴唱歌真的好难……#唱歌 >>阅读更多