    哪位声音好听的大佬可以读我听听不[狗头脸红]男女都可以,想放松放松,不用太标准,能听得出来是什么就行,要是标准的美式英语也行,要考试了,慌得厉害[可怜巴巴][可怜巴巴][可怜巴巴][可怜巴巴][可怜巴巴] Changing Diets Population growth is not the only reason for food shortages. Our diet is also to blame fo it. Nowadays, with increasing numbers of people living in cities, we tend to beeat more meat. To produce meat we have to use a lot more land and water to grow the food for the animals. And we also need more energy to process the meat. As a result, we are using more land and resources to actually produce less food. We could feed the growing population easily if everyone became a vegetarian. But who would make this change? Would you give up meat to feed others? #英语朗读 >>阅读更多

    Why do you think people get married? Love? Passion? Family? Wealth? No. Deep down, fundamentally, we need a witness to our lives. There are billions of people on the planet, I mean, what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, You’re promising to care about everything. The good things, The bad things, The terrible things, The mundane things… All of it. All the time. Everyday. You’re saying: Your life will not go unnoticed, because I will notice it. Your life will not go unwitnessed, because I will be your witness. #English #情感 #英语朗读 #婚姻 >>阅读更多

    泰戈尔《飞鸟集》节选 The fish in the water is silent, the animal on the earth is noisy, the bird in the air is singing. But Man has in him the silence of the sea, the noise of the earth and the music of the air. 水里的游鱼是沉默的,陆地上的兽类是喧闹的,空中的飞鸟是歌唱着的。 但是,人类却兼有海里的沉默、地上的喧闹与空中的音乐。 #英语朗读 #诗词 #惠州 >>阅读更多

    I already know what’s wrong with you. You’re unhappy. You’re isolated. You think you are the cause of this unhappiness and are unworthy of affection. So you have few friends. Recently you lost something you think very important. Your lover. Your faith. Your family. Or all three. You blame yourself for this. Which makes you neurotic. And you don’t sleep. And you don’t eat anything healthy anyway. You used to take care of your appearance. But you’ve lost interest in that, so you avoid mirrors. Sunlight bothers you, so you avoid that too. About which you feel guilty because you think it’s unhealthy and even immoral not to like the sun. You’re not woman of convention or you wouldn’t be here. But you like to pretend you are so people don’t notice you. But you sometimes like that as well and can dress to draw the eye. But then you think the men who look at you are fools or worse to be taken in by such an obvious outward show. So instead you’re drawn to dark complicated impossible men assuring your own unhappiness and isolation. Because after all, you’re happiest alone. But not even then. Because you can’t stop thinking about what you’ve lost. And again for what you blame yourself. So the cycle goes on. The snake eating its own tail. #English #英语朗读 #对抗抑郁 >>阅读更多

    An arrogant person considers himself perfect. This is the chief harm of arrogance. It interferes with a person's main task in life: becoming a better person. #英语朗读 >>阅读更多

    The more time you spend outdoors, the better is your mood, the better is your sleep, the better is the rhythmicity of your sleep-wake cycles, and on and on. #英语朗读 #惠州同城 >>阅读更多

    Charles Bukowski once said, The area in the brain dividing the mind and the soul is affected many ways by experience. Some lose all mind and become soul: Insane. Some lose all soul and become mind: Intellectual. Some lose both, and become: Accepted. Some people never go cr@zy, what truly horrible lives they must lead. #English #Philosophy #英语朗读 >>阅读更多

    我想和你虚度时光 Together with you, I want to idle away the time. Lowering down our heads and watching the fish or walking away after leaving the tea cups on the table, ignoring the beautiful shadows they cast. 我想和你虚度时光,比如低头看鱼 比如把茶杯留在桌子上,离开 浪费它们好看的阴影 I even want to idle away the sunset, taking a walk to kill the time till the stars fill up the night sky. 我还想连落日一起浪费, 比如散步 一直消磨到星光满天 I also want to idle away the time when the wind arrives sitting in the corridor entranced, till the sorrow clouds in your eyes have blown away out of the window. 我还要浪费风起的时候 坐在走廊发呆 直到你眼中乌云 全部被吹到窗外 I have squandered my world, it passes me by, tired and seemingly never loved. 我已经虚度了世界 它经过我 疲倦,又像从未被爱过 However, tomorrow, I will still do the same, idling An eyeful of flowers, life should be just as beautiful or meaningless like a movie having been ignored. 但是明天我还要这样,虚度 满目的花草生活应该像它们一样美好一样无意义,像被虚度的电影 #英语朗读 #英语美文 #浪漫 #惠州 >>阅读更多

    英文歌Free Loop, 不会唱,就来读[可爱] I’m a little used to calling outside your name. I won’t see you tonight so I can keep from going insane. But I don’t know enough I get some kinda lazy day. Hey yeah. I've been fabulous through to find my tattered name. I'll be stewed tomorrow if I don't leave us both the same. But I don't know enough, I get some kinda lazy day. #每日英文 #英语朗读 #读英文 #英文歌 >>阅读更多

用户:Soul what?
    今日份睡前快速英音朗读练习 主打一个快,所以有读错的 欢迎来挑 #听 #英语朗读 #呼和浩特 #英语 >>阅读更多

    #英语朗读 So let us savor each moment, whether a meal or a precious encounter. Let us cherish the people we love and hold them close, for we never know when they may be taken from us. And above all, let us remember that the beauty of life lies not in its permanence, but in its fleeting nature. >>阅读更多