作者: white发布时间: 2024-04-23 07:42:09 浏览:0 次 发布地: 天气: 晴

        嗨,我是White,对健身、人工智能、英语和旅行充满热情。我经历了一段失败的婚姻,这让我成为一个有故事的人。作为一个斜杠青年,我具备IT技能、工程维修能力,动手能力强,兴趣爱好广泛,包括口琴、吉他、电吹管、AI创作、全球旅游,还热衷于投资理财,如美股、美债和量化交易等。我希望能找到一个兴趣爱好广泛、拥有有趣灵魂、三观一致的朋友共度余生。我总是准备好迎接新的体验和冒险,并渴望遇到志同道合的人。让我们一起激励并共同探索吧! Hi, I’m White, passionate about fitness, AI, English, and travel. I’ve been through a failed marriage, which has given me a wealth of stories to tell. As a slashie, I possess IT skills, engineering maintenance expertise, and strong hands-on abilities. My interests are varied, including harmonica, guitar, electronic wind instrument, AI creation, global travel, and I’m also enthusiastic about investment and financial management, such as US stocks, US bonds, and quantitative trading. I hope to find a friend with wide-ranging interests, a fascinating soul, and aligned values to share the rest of my life with. I’m always ready for new experiences and adventures and look forward to meeting others who share my interests. Let’s inspire and explore together!


