
    【1】 🌍 There are all kinds of people in this world. It happens that we have become friends. This is not fate. It is just that we should be friends. 【2】. 🤝 The world's full of lonely people afraid to make the first move. 【3】. 😄 How did he manage to shake hands with them with a smile? Because it takes courage to get rid of stereotypes. 【4】. 🛡 You never win with violence. You only win when you maintain your dignity. 【5】. 🍂 The trees have shed their leafy clothing and their colors have faded to grays and browns. I saw a millions of trees all dusted with snow just like out of a fairy tale. I would count the hours, minutes and seconds until you are in my arms. 【6】 👨‍👧 My father used to say, whatever you do, do it 100 percent, work like you work, laugh like you laugh, and eat like it's your last meal. 【7】 💪 Whatever you do, do it a hundred percent. 【8】. 🧠 Being genius is not enough, it takes courage to change people's hearts. 【9】🌹 Falling in love with you was the easiest thing i have ever done. Nothing matters to me but you. And everyday i am alive, i'm aware of this. I loved you the day i met you, i love you today and i will love you to rest of my life. 【10】 🤷‍♀ They don't have a choice, but you do. #green book #绿皮书 >>阅读更多


    前段时间,通过社交软件结交了一个自称是英国人的女性,她主动加了我的qq,还发了一个欧洲女性的照片,让人半信半疑,平常也是发些外国的生活场景的照片。 然而,随着时间的推移,我开始注意到一些不一致的细节。她声称自己在餐厅享用晚餐,但QQ的状态却始终显示为WiFi在线。这让我产生了疑惑:如果她真的在外面,那么应该是移动网络在线,而不是WiFi。这个小小的发现,像一颗种子,悄然在我心中生根发芽。 进一步的调查让我发现了更多的问题。我使用QQ的IP定位功能的实际IP地址竟然来自多哥——一个位于非洲的国家。这让我感到困惑,一个英国人为何需要使用VPN来伪装自己的IP?这一切都显得太过诡异。疑虑如同滚雪球般越来越大,我开始怀疑这位“英国朋友”的真实动机。我意识到,这段关系可能并非如表面上那样单纯。为了不让自己陷入更深的不确定和可能的风险中,我决定删除了她。#感情 #跨国友谊 >>阅读更多


    嗨,我是White,对健身、人工智能、英语和旅行充满热情。我经历了一段失败的婚姻,这让我成为一个有故事的人。作为一个斜杠青年,我具备IT技能、工程维修能力,动手能力强,兴趣爱好广泛,包括口琴、吉他、电吹管、AI创作、全球旅游,还热衷于投资理财,如美股、美债和量化交易等。我希望能找到一个兴趣爱好广泛、拥有有趣灵魂、三观一致的朋友共度余生。我总是准备好迎接新的体验和冒险,并渴望遇到志同道合的人。让我们一起激励并共同探索吧! Hi, I’m White, passionate about fitness, AI, English, and travel. I’ve been through a failed marriage, which has given me a wealth of stories to tell. As a slashie, I possess IT skills, engineering maintenance expertise, and strong hands-on abilities. My interests are varied, including harmonica, guitar, electronic wind instrument, AI creation, global travel, and I’m also enthusiastic about investment and financial management, such as US stocks, US bonds, and quantitative trading. I hope to find a friend with wide-ranging interests, a fascinating soul, and aligned values to share the rest of my life with. I’m always ready for new experiences and adventures and look forward to meeting others who share my interests. Let’s inspire and explore together! >>阅读更多


    英文版西海情歌(West Sea),先用chatgpt将西海情歌的歌词分镜头给出绘画Prompt,然后用MetaAI将各分镜头生成图片,再用playground将图片扩展至9:16尺寸并无损放大,最后用剪映专业版生成字幕成片。 >>阅读更多