作者: Sean发布时间: 2025-02-24 10:00:39 浏览:0 次 发布地: 天气: 晴

        After an hour-long workout at the gym, I could feel the burn in my arms, my core was tight and warm, and I was sweating from my back and forehead. With my cheeks flushed and hands radiating heat, I knew I'd gotten in a solid session. 在健身房练上差不多一个小时以后, 感觉双臂有点酸痛,腹部有点发紧发热,后背和前额有些冒汗,双颊有些发红,特别是双手发热的时候,就感觉练的已经差不多了. On my way home, I hopped on my scooter without bothering with gloves. Even though my hands were still warm from the workout, the cold wind didn't bother them during the 10-20 minute ride. 这时候走出健身房的房门,骑着电瓶车不戴手套,因为健身而发热的双手在寒风中裸露个10~20分钟什么的都没事#瑜伽冥想


