(二) 我站起身,准备离开的时候,突然听到她轻声说道:“Wait.” 她的声音没有急切,反而带着某种淡然的自信。 我停下脚步,转过头看她。她微微一笑,抬起酒杯:“You can’t just leave like that. At least let me buy you a drink.” 我笑了笑,回到了座位上,放松地靠在椅背上。“Alright,” 我淡淡道,“But only if we’re drinking something good.” 她挑了挑眉,带着几分调侃:“You’ve got standards, I see.” 她挥手叫来服务员,为我们点了两杯苏格兰威士忌。我们碰杯,随后,她靠在吧台上,目光深邃地望着我:“So, tell me... what’s your story? A guy like you, sitting alone, not chasing anyone’s attention, but still manages to draw it in.” 我轻轻晃了晃酒杯,抿了一口酒,微笑道:“Not much of a story, really. I’m just someone who enjoys the moment, without expectations.” 她似乎被我这份随意的态度所吸引,眼神中流露出更多的兴趣。“That’s quite rare. Most people are constantly searching for something—validation, approval... something.” “People tend to search for what they feel they lack,” 我淡淡道,目光轻轻扫过酒吧的人群,“But sometimes, not needing anything is the most freeing.” 她听了,微微笑着摇了摇头:“You make it sound so simple. But I suppose that’s what makes you intriguing.” 她靠近了一些,轻声说道:“Do you ever get bored of being... detached?” 我看着她,眼神不带任何急切:“It’s not detachment. It’s just knowing when to engage and when to step back.” 她沉默了一会儿,似乎在揣摩我话中的意思,然后缓缓开口:“So... are you choosing to engage right now, or step back?” 我笑了笑,放下酒杯:“That depends. What’s your intention?” 她笑得更加灿烂,带着几分狡黠的意味:“I don’t usually have a plan. I just follow my instincts.” 气氛在这一刻变得微妙起来,像是有种未尽之意在空气中弥漫。她的目光深邃而直接,似乎等待着我的反应。而我,只是保持着那份冷静,从容地看着她。 “Instincts, huh?” 我轻轻说道,“That can lead to some interesting places.” 她轻轻抿了一口酒,目光没有移开我。“Interesting places are the best kind, don’t you think?” 我微微一笑,气氛已经不再是简单的对话,而像是一场无声的较量。过了一会儿,她站了起来,靠近我,轻声说道:“Let’s go for a walk. It’s too loud in here.” 我看着她,笑了笑,放下酒杯:“Lead the way.” 我们离开了酒吧,走在铺满鹅卵石的街道上,街灯将她的金发映得更加闪亮。夜风微凉,她靠近了些,似乎是无意间的举动。我没有刻意回应,步伐依旧平稳,静静享受着这夜晚的宁静。 “Do you always keep people at a distance like this?” 她突然开口,语气中带着几分好奇。 我笑了笑,目光扫过空旷的街道:“Only when it feels right.” 她轻轻笑了,似乎对我的回答感到满意。然后,她停下脚步,站在我面前,眼神直视着我,带着一种挑战意味:“And right now? Does it feel right to you?” 我看着她,没有急于回应,只是稍微靠近了一些,保持着一种自然的从容:“What do you think?” (未完待续)
Sanas: 写的什么小说