Can I truly withstand the test of the market? An INTJ once told me that existence as a carbon-based life form is rather dull, and there aren’t many things in this world that are truly impossible.
Suddenly, I feel a deep gratitude for all the mentors who’ve tolerated my unconventional ways. Now I see that being labeled "aloof" might actually be the best kind of criticism during the hidden phase—it gives me the freedom to carefully choose like-minded allies.
People rarely think, "I should’ve studied more when I had the chance," until the pain becomes unbearable. Compared to the journey of self-discovery, so many things seem as insignificant as dust. In this moment, I’m reminded of countless memories: the ice cream in the mall’s basement, the concierge at the hotel lobby, the villages I’ve wandered through, the delicious meals I’ve enjoyed, and the plates that held them. But sister, that’s all in the past now.
Even when you’re lost and directionless, it’s crucial to keep learning and growing. This isn’t for the sake of a job, an exam, or a relationship—it’s because you truly need to build a solid foundation of knowledge early on.
Right now, I stand alone, shaped by countless moments—some driven by the forces of the times, others influenced by those who came before me. Should I feel fortunate? I have dreams on the verge of becoming reality, and I’m surrounded by family and friends who believed in me before I even believed in myself.
Though the future remains uncertain, it holds more promise than all the carefree days of the past.
#哥哥 04男,180 ,长的像王俊凯周翊然,阳光开朗的少年感爹- 遇到一个江苏南京书呆子没谈过恋爱的96年煞笔。他自己建群读书然后我进
- 《哥斯拉大战金刚》 京东独家冠名 我们再看怪兽特摄片时,我们究竟看
- 大家好,今天我来介绍一下我手机里的一款软件Be My Eyes这款软件对我而言,
- 面基系列四 还是H市 那段时间我在看《权力的游戏》,网盘里存了资源。有
- 婚姻和恋爱其实并不是一回事儿。 说一个与大多数人的认知不符的结论:爱
- 每个人都有一个死角。 自己走不出来,别人也闯不进去。 我把最深沉的秘
- 莫言在《晚熟的人》中写道,年轻的时候爱上什么都不为过,成熟的时候放
- 分享:醒不来的梦 你是我触碰不到的风 醒不来的梦 寻不到的天堂 医不好的