Buddha said: "From love arises sorrow, from love arises fear. If one is free from love, there is neither sorrow nor fear." Kaya asked: "How can one be free from love?" Buddha replied: "Without the notion of self, without the notion of others, without the notion of sentient beings, and without the notion of longevity, one is indeed free from love." Kaya said: "World-Honored One, life consists of eight sufferings: birth, aging, sickness, death, the pain of separation from loved ones, the pain of not obtaining what one desires, the meeting of those one despises. How can one be without self, without form, without desire, and without need?" Buddha said: "The pain of separation from loved ones, the meeting of those one despises, and returning to the West with a relaxed hand, all of these are merely empty illusions. They are nothing but a mirage in the eyes, a complete delusion." Kaya said: "World-Honored One, how difficult is it for people to be free from karma and action?" Buddha replied: "Sow such causes, and you will reap such results; everything is created by the mind." Kaya asked: "How can people reach this state of mind?" Buddha said: "Sitting is Zen, moving is Zen; one flower is a world, one leaf is a Tathagata. When spring comes, flowers bloom naturally; when autumn arrives, leaves fall naturally. The limitless wisdom of the heart is at ease, whether in speech or silence, in motion or stillness, there is a natural embodiment." Kaya said: "Where there is karma, there must be forms, and forms confuse the human heart. What should we do?" Buddha said: "Fate is created by oneself, and forms arise from the heart. All things in the world are transformations; when the heart is unmoved, all things are unmoved; when the heart does not change, all things do not change." Walking forward with fear and sorrow Will not change my true intentions, nor will I retreat.