作者: 열정이 소진되다不处对象发布时间: 2024-06-02 09:14:31 浏览:1 次 发布地: 茂名市 天气: 晴

        It was love at first sight that year, and the remaining poison has not been cleared up yet.It's really cold. It tastes like autumn.Become a person who lives in memories all his life.It's getting colder and colder. My attachment to you is getting colder.Through the stem of quarrel, sprinkle the Jiao of missing.Even if I had a million reasons to leave you, I would still look for one to stay.——纵然有百万个理由离开你,我也会寻找一个理由为你留。It’s not the ability that comes in! It’s the passion that counts.——有时能力不是最重要的,最重要的是要有激|情。I'm in a bad mood today. / I'm moody today. 我今天心情不好。19、if you live to be , i hope i live to beminusday, so i never have to live without you.——假如你的寿命是年,那我希望自己活到岁的前一天,因为那样我的生命中每天都有你。Very sad, love but not. 很心酸吧,爱而不得 I never thought I loved you so much when I pushed You away我推开你的时候,从来没想过,我爱你爱的那么深有时候,你必须要明白,有些人能留在你的心里,但不能留在你生活里。想要珍惜却总是失去,喜欢晴天却总是下雨。 I'm afraid I'm going to give you up. You suddenly laugh at me again.感情里哪来那么多对错,爱得多的那一方永远都会先低头,心都给你了还要怎么计较。Where there are so many rights and wrongs in feelings, the one who loes more will always bow his head first, and his heart will gie you how to care.绝口不提爱你,不是不爱,而是很爱,却不能再爱。Neer mention loing you, not not not not not loing, but loing, but can't loe again.


