作者: 黄爱钧发布时间: 2022-08-25 23:53:22 浏览:3 次 发布地: 天气: 晴

        酒多回家,看了《小红书》的“中国摇滚往事”连续视频,那些时代标签的人物,那些久违的歌真的让人无比感动!九十年代是我青春期的年龄,博闻强识,对未来充满无比憧憬,岁月变迁,终于慢慢懂得:能让人改变的,从来不是道理,而是南墙!教会人成长的,从来不是书籍,而是经历! 晚安,莉莉安。还有安河桥下静静的水。 After drinking a lot, I went home and watched the continuous video of "China's rock and roll past" in "little red book". Those people with time labels and those songs that have not been seen for a long time are really moving! The 1990s is my puberty age. I am knowledgeable and full of incomparable hopes for the future. With the changes of time, I finally understand that what can change is not truth, but the south wall! What teaches people to grow is never books, but experience! Good night, Lillian. There is still water under the Anhe bridge。#民谣 #搖滾 #音乐承载的记忆 #我在soul碎碎念 #安河桥#董小姐#我和宋冬野喝过酒 #莉莉安 #怀念青春#北京烟火


