作者: 玫归发布时间: 2024-12-07 03:37:33 浏览:6 次 发布地: 天气: 晴

        I’ve lost the words to describe the way I feel I keep seeing these dreams and the way they cringe to me It plays in rewinds daily , with a spurge of pain for its only audience It’s a thing that gets hold of you and wouldn’t let go It wouldn’t let go It holds you down and watch you drown Not in pity but in pain and hate Try to hold it all together but don’t wanna push the devil It’s a heartbreak, a heavy beat, those voices right there. You can lie to yourself but it’s all on repeat Deep Down inside me I know Loved you for you Stories not like swan lake and the prince So fable But that of 伯牙 and 钟子期 Cinderella had her golden shoes and a prince It’s worth the trust Thought I had lost you, I wouldn’t want to, I don’t want to Some friends are better off without the ship Thought I wouldn’t make it back but found my way home but I still don’t want to go . Not yet time ,am not prepared. You know you’ve got that charm. I feel calm when I talk to you . Maybe if I write to you daily it’s not that bad . #lettingyouknow #hopeyoudon’tmind #notsoheavyafterall #JLTY #itsalrightifyouare #crazy

选择失意(已婚): 文化人,准备嫁老外的
