
    "Where do you see yourself in the next five years?" Sometimes, it feels so frustrating to think that I am getting older and I still don't know what to do in life. At my age right now, I am still lost. I honestly feel disappointed on myself most often because I'm afraid that I'll stay the same, even after how many years will pass. I fear to see myself still standing on the same place where I started. So every time somebody asks me where I can see myself after five years or some specific time that they mention, it also leads me to ask myself about what I am doing with my life. I ask myself where I want to be and what I want to do in the present and future. But with all honesty in my heart, I don't really know. I am still trying to convince myself that the right time for me will come. Although I don't have any idea what might happen in the future, I still want to believe that I will be proud of the person that I will become. Perhaps it is complicated to be lost, even when I'm an adult who should have already known which path to take in life. I admit that my heart still aches for the person that I've never become and for the opportunities that I've missed just because I was scared. My heart cries every time I realize that I could have become a better person now— if only I had done well or pushed myself to do better. The truth is, I try so hard to convince myself that I can still be the person I want to be at the right time... because that's all I can do to stop being too hard on myself. >>阅读更多


    what can i do on may first holiday in chengdu? any recommendations? #成都 >>阅读更多