初遇K线时 它像少年躁动的心电图
红绿交替的日夜里 指尖划过的每个数字
春寒料峭时的蛰伏 盛夏疯长时的克制
When you think you understand something, you must first know that you do not know what, because the things we understand are certainly limited. The most important concept of the circle of competence is that the circle of competence has a boundary, it is a circle. If you don't know where the boundary of the circle is, say I understand everything, then you certainly don't understand. You should also understand that when you know something is right, you must know when it is wrong. Mr. Munger has a standard that I find useful. He said that if I want to have an opinion, I have to be able to disprove it better than the smartest person I can find who disagrees with it, and only then do I deserve to have the opinion.
Because what we do is forecast, so whether you understand or not actually depends on whether you predict correctly. But the answer to this mystery is not immediately revealed, it will be revealed many years later. If you are an intellectually honest person, you will keep trying to solve the mystery, so you will naturally know whether you really know or not. If you research a company to the point where you understand it, you need to be able to see what the worst case scenario will be 10 years from now. The best-case scenario often happens naturally, so you need to understand what the worst-case scenario will be 10 years from now. If I can't do that, I can't quite claim to know the company. But the probability that my prediction will happen is very high, and the probability that I will be right is very high, and I will follow it for 10 years to see if my prediction is correct.
Seller, buyer is actually a change in psychology. The reason why I have the mentality of the owner of the company is because after I bought the first stock, I found that the company is really mine. Human psychology is such that you feel differently about what you have. The same goes for the seller. If I'm trying to sell my stock because the incentive is for me to sell it, I always have to dress my pig up a little. I might even call it a unicorn. Of course, it is also possible that what you sell just happens to be a particularly good thing, for example, you are responsible for the research of Moutai, which is indeed a very good business itself, but you want to sell it psychologically first. In terms of human psychology, it is true that basically the butt and the head are very consistent, which is difficult to change.Because if you don't, you're too awkward to be anywhere.
The whole process of learning about value investing has been particularly interesting for me personally. After entering, it is really extraordinary, and there are really many incredible things in this industry, so that you are learning new things all the time, and feel that your knowledge and judgment are really compound in the growth. So not only can you experience the compound growth of your asset returns, but you can also experience the growth of your ability, knowledge, and insight in a co mpound way. In the investment industry, you can see two kinds of compound interest growth at the same time, which is not common in real life, which is very interesting.
Is value investing a religion? I think it might be, because it really shows a value - that you're not willing to exploit others, you're not willing to play a zero-sum game, you're only willing to make money for yourself, but also be good for society. You don't want to be a person who makes money solely by gambling, so the next time you see a speculator, you don't have to say "Good luck" to him, because he can't be good luck all the time, you should say "have fun".
If you are interested in investing, then you must understand the magic of compound interest, Einstein called it the eighth wonder of the world is absolutely justified. When you get the opportunity to compound interest growth, even though it may not seem so big, such as six, seven, eight, nine percent of such opportunities, you must also understand that this is the most important opportunity of your life, you must take it. As long as you compound interest long enough, it is the best and most important opportunity of your life.