
    过节了,大神们也都到齐了,保佑我day day up👆!祝大家们中秋快乐🥮! 感谢soul友的推荐[呲牙笑] @不一定#中秋快乐 >>阅读更多


    最近遇见和重温了不少故事,掉在情绪里泡澡…年轻时努力寻找自我概念,活到后来才知道,原来认同是会不断改变的…姐妹情可以续命,兄弟情能过命,亲情五味杂陈,终究都是牵绊…周遭是个万花筒,怎么转怎么有…也许不负初心,好于不忘初心?——失眠中杂念敬生活😵[昏倒][爽][阴险][黑眼圈]🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 >>阅读更多


    @唱歌走音感谢Eason老师[呲牙笑],Epiphone颜值好高啊,大爱!恰逢姐生日前夕到货,这是有史以来最棒的礼物啦✌️……But,我再不好好练,好像就说不过去了😩#吉他 #Epiphone #好好练琴 >>阅读更多


    Sometimes this world just seems to be so cold Sometimes you're lost at sea drowning in your pain Mabye it's hard to turn the page To walk the line To have the faith But sometimes when it's light And you can't see Sometimes the sun shines through the rain And that's life my friend World keeps turning Hope this time We can rearrange the stars It can't be that hard In the end We all find our way >>阅读更多